11:30 am/Sunday CrossPointe English Worship Service.
- Welcome to everyone joining together to worship this Sunday morning. Pastor Leon will be sharing God’s words with us in the Chinese worship service.
- Children Sunday school meets from 9:45 to 11 am and Children worship from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm on the third floor, Kid’s Zone every Sunday. All children from Pre-K to 5th grade are welcome. Toddler room is also available for young children up to 4 years of age.
- Youth Sunday School will meet weekly on Sundays at 9:45 am in Room #106/107. Parents, please encourage your teens to come join.
- The new season of Chinese Adult equipping classes will be held at 11:30 am after the Chinese worship service. “Hebrews” by brother Dan Liu will be in the fellowship hall, and “The Lord’s Prayer” by Pastor Leon will be in room #106/107. All are encouraged to attend the class of your choice. Equipping class notes for “Hebrews” are included in the church weekly email. (Click here).
- Joint Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting will be on Zoom on 2/19 this Wednesday night at 8:00 pm. The Zoom prayer meeting will be led by Deacon David Lin (Administration). We will then divide into small group to pray after sharing.
- Children and Youth Weekly Friday Night Ministry will meet this Friday 2/21. Dinner at 6:30 pm and program from 7:00 to 8:30 pm.
- The church will host its second Family Relationship Workshop THIS Saturday from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. The topic will be “Becoming a Blessing to Your Grandchildren,” led by Rev. Dr. Li-Shun Hong. This workshop is an important part of our gospel outreach ministry, and we need your help in distributing the flyers we’ve prepared (click here). We encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors to join us. Lunch will be provided after the workshop.
- Church office will be closed on 2/18 Tuesday for makeup day for President’s Day.
- Susie Chan will be out of the office from 2/21-23 Friday-Sunday.
- For tithing, brothers and sisters may drop off their offering at the church offering box, mail their checks to church or donate digitally (Zelle: cccsblomita@aol.com) please specify your name and donation categories such as general fund vs. mission fund).